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  • Pins -
    ... as volumetric display and co-spatial input device. Our... //
  • ... poem with video and audio component inspired by... forms of computation, learning systems, the concept of...
  • Telematic Séance -
    ... technical description and diagrams these aspects will... The video projector projects the live video image...
  • ...Blow Up records, amplifies, and projects human breath into a... Blow Up records, amplifies, and projects human breath into a...
  • PICO -
    ... them easy to understand and use. In contrast, modern... //
  • ... by Paolo Cirio and Alessandro Ludovico. 2011... The algorithm used self learning neural networks and was... common themes in the projects. In all of them we stole...
  • ... introduce sensors and feedback. Position Offset... rce:...
  • ... of his imagination, and on the other, taken directly... of perception and learning used by humans to access...
  • FemCity -
    ... lifestyle, dreams and realities of young women. ... involved in a joyfull learning experience and to have...
    ... shining though deformed and corrugated plexiglass. This... with car brakes and art projects which more or less...