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  • COLAB Art and Architecture, Bangalore Two-person show with Christoph Schäfer, who lives and works in Hamburg, Germany. Not long ago, architectural modernism presented the glass facade as equivalent to participation and empathy with the
  • Windscreen -
    Windscreen is an experimental, wind-driven physical interface, 2001. Any physical scale habitable by the human body is also "inhabited" by massive levels of sensory data, equivalent to perhaps millions of analog-to-digital inputs a second. My
  • Plain Text -
    The Plain Text series plays on the “infinite monkey theorem”. It states that given an infinite amount of monkeys, typewriters, and time, the monkeys will type out any particularly text you choose. If one instructs the monkeys (or monkey simulators),
  • Unending Closure -
    The events that have unfolded since the turn of the century, in addition to the unending technological parade of innovation and the bloating of Media influence over the world has yielded not a people that enjoy Sunday afternoon picnics on the moon,
  • ... show Decode: Digital Design Sensations. The project is fully open source and include public comptetition to recode the...
  • Romeo to Tripoli -
    Based on a hydraulic microphone and spark gap transmitter devised by Q.Majorana and G. Vanni in 1905. A stream of vitriolic acid, modulated by sound waves, controlled the flow of electricity to the transmitter and used to make the very first long
  • "Simultaneous Echos" is the most recent production of the series "Field-works," compositing video images and locational data captured by GPS, production was made in Londonderry, Northern Ireland, UK. The project is focused onto music production
  • Opto-Isolator -
    Opto-Isolator (2007: Golan Levin with Greg Baltus) inverts the condition of spectatorship by exploring the questions: "What if artworks could know how we were looking at them? And, given this knowledge, how might they respond to us?" The sculpture
  • Audience -
    In February 2010, rAndom went to the US to install the first copy of the Audience edition for a private collection. The installation is laid out on a long stretch of a custom designed plywood floor. For the first time it was possible to install it
  • Study for a Mirror -
    The founding members of rAndom International: Hannes Koch (b. 1975, Germany), Florian Ortkrass (b. 1975, Germany) and Stuart Wood (b. 1980, UK) met while at Brunel University in 2002 and went on to study together at the Royal College of Art, London.