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  • ... a computer programme. Algorithms are the preferred control modules of our contemporary...
  • ...The challenges of the infirmity of landscapes in the sense of affective geographies and health care,...
  • ...Workshop and exhibition, results from the collaborative practice of a group of scientists and artists...
  • Two Women -
    ... either to a timing device located in the computer or to user key-press at the keyboard.... Women" consisted of one computer station, two light boxes (58.4 x 60.3 x 20.3 cm), and two boxes...
  • Autobiography -
    ... which was created for "Autobiography". The other displayed the same material as the Web... "Autobiography" consisted of three light boxes and two computer stations. One computer displayed a Web...
  • ... whether it originated in the natural world or in a highly evolved virtual...
  • ... VIRTUAL STUDIO BROADCAST 1995 For the International Video Art Award ceremony... studio in Baden Baden is set up as a Bluebox stage for 150 spectators. On the large screen...
  • ... : Synthetic Diaries of Illusion: the circle of transfiguration is infinite. POLE A...
  • Re-reading the News -
    ...Re-reading the News (2002) downloads the front page of newspapers as essentially raw data, enabling...
  • ... rods to each robotic structure so that the hats hang in midair at roughly eye level with...