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  • Suit on the Phone Digital print. Size: various Date created: Spring 1994 Victor: Here again is another early Soft-image 3D piece that I created when I was working in Hollywood as an IRIS print operator. This was at Klein Design in that tall thin
    SOMEONE imagines a human version of Amazon Alexa, a smart home intelligence for people in their own homes. For a two month period in 2019, four participants’ homes around the United States were installed with custom-designed smart devices, including
  • Pine Family -
    Tree Story brings together creative practices from around the world to create a ‘forest’ of ideas relating to critical environmental and sustainability issues. At its foundation—or roots—are Indigenous ways of knowing and a recognition of trees as
  • Planchette Bot -
    Planchette Bot re-creates the aura of few of the global figures in automated voice and hologram. The select historical figures include M. K. Gandhi, Malcom X, and Nelson Mandela, among others. Their personalities are recreated by incorporating AI
  • EDEN -
    E D E N is a new kind of organic network based on vegetal medium. As we know, all vegetal species can communicate with its environment. Instead of words they use different kinds of molecular emission. The communication can be established between
  • EDEN Echigo-Tsumari -
    As we know, all vegetal species can communicate with its environment. Instead of words they use different kinds of molecular emission. The communication can be established between trees of the same species, but it can also be addressed to a
  • NET(WORK) -
    The projetct is dedicated to the phenomenon of nets. As we know, nets are some of the primary means for catching aquatic bioresources. The net thrives as a universal symbol with many possible applications and analogies. The word “net” – set’ – can
  • In 1983 artists Kit Galloway and Sherrie Rabinowitz began refining a concept for a telecollaborative network connecting informal public multimedia communications venues. The original Electronic Cafe Network was to be the artists offering as a
  • The formal visual aspect of the Reflections v2 series is strongly tied to the aesthetic of Minimal Art. It reduces its abstract vocabulary to visual representations of the number one and zero sculpted as lines (one) and rings (zero). This reduction
  • Year Zero -
    Year Zero- Exhibition Concept Open Call 2121 for works to a future audience in hundred years. Text, Video, Networked Performance © Lila Moore, All Rights Reserved In year zero of the Corona pandemic, I called upon Seeker_of_True-files, my