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  • ... pool, in this case approx. 10000 sound units,...
  • ... level experiental approaches to new forms of global...
  • ... affects their global appearance. They remove and are...
  • freequent traveller -
    ... interpreted by a special application that maps the text...
  • ... creating an urban soundscape. Passers-by unexpectedly find... work becomes apparent An important part of the...
  • ... shows a 3D view of an apparently "neutral" living room....
  • ... and actuators that capture the users' heartbeat,...
  • ... the amphorae, the plants capture the visitors presence and... plants. When visitors approach themselves towards the...
  • Nano -
    ... camera, their images are captured and projected on the... "draw" in space, using a cutting-edge computer design...
  • Cell Ghosts -
    ...This work captures the viewer moving through space with a live... is stored in memory and appear later as a ghost. The...