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  • eavesdrop - video
    ... operational interactivity, Eavesdrop opens up a continuum of possibility, potential and proposition. There are no full stops, no...
  • ... Arts, the Golden Nica in interactive arts, and the Award for Positive Innovations in Media from the Digital Media and Arts...
  • ... Arts, the Golden Nica in interactive arts, and the Award for Positive Innovations in Media from the Digital Media and Arts...
  • ... and artistic interface designs have begun to look for new display possibilities. For this reason façade’s of contemporary buildings have...
  • ...ct “Magic Eye-Dissolving Borders” is based on the dichotomy between a positivistic participatory communication artwork and the awareness that...
  • It´s time
    ...IT'S TIME challenges one of the overarching question that pertains to the post-modern world: the acceleration of time induced by collective...
    ... ever more coupled to his increasingly expressive, almost possessed movement. Finally, the earlier stasis of the performance...
  • ... LED’s. In the audio setup, a parabolic speaker/reflector is positioned at the rear of each tunnel. These serve the purpose of...
    ... walk across the huge surface of the projection. IR cameras, positioned from above, gauge changes in the density of the environment...
  • Sauna01-02 - video
    ... 2000, consists of a 10 x 14' enclosed room within which is positioned a 4 x 8' tank-a half cylinder resembling what Sponge termed...