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  • In this multimedia, telematic performance, data from playing a Tibetan singing bowl filled with milk was transformed into sound and images. The imagery then projected onto a screen are abstract digital graphics, which are originally images of
  • A telematic performance where the movements of a sensor glove control video, which is reacting to sound from a remote location. The sound is reacting back to the video.
  • A telematic performance with dance, motion tracking, sonic references and video disturbances examining the effects of nuclear radiation.
  • A telematic mixed reality live-time performance between two places. A dancer performs in Canada, her movements are shown on two screens in Indiana, where musicians play in reaction to her movements. The combined visual and sound recordings trigger
  • ...css poetry declarationArtist: Francesco AprileComment:
  • ...epicts gene editing technology CRISPR which has the potential to treat genetically caused diseases, for instance, autism. The PHSCologram... Sandor and her collaborators, working at the intersection of art and science, significantly contribute to the communication of...
  • ...The piece, being a part of the show “It’s Two Minutes to Midnight,” provides viewers with an educational journey on humankind’s history of de-...
  • ... Day' produced in 2002 by Ellen Sandor in collaboration with Martyl Langsdorf’ the author of Doomsday Clock, originally designed for...
  • CRISPR-Cas9 is contrasted with Nude in box-reclining (1962) and Sand Dune Nude (1967) by Ruth Bernhard and Dix Rayogrammes de Man Ray et un Texte de Pierre Bost by Man Ray (1931).
  • ... translated research data on neutrinos into the visual artworks at the intersection of art and science. Neutrinos are...