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  • ... that can be described as dynamic sculpting with video. The heart of the machine is a projection surface that spins around its...
  • Underglow -
    Underglow illuminated a number of separate gullies (drains) in the vicinity of Guildhall Yard, King Street and Queen Street and were visible from dusk to dawn from November 2005 until February 2006. Source: Susan Collins
  • Chaser -
    Chaser transforms the top windows of the Tyne Bridge Tower in Gateshead into a rapidly moving light circuit of intense colour. Visible across the river Tyne in Newcastle, Gateshead and beyond, the animation will continually ‘chase’ around the
  • Harewood -
    In June 2008 a webcam was installed overlooking Harewood House’s classical ‘Capability’ Brown landscape. The webcam is transmitting and recording images at the rate of a pixel a second so that a whole image represents the previous 21.33 hours. Each
  • Love Brid - Brid is one of three short films commissioned by Animate Projects as part of Sea Change. It is an animated postcard, a loving tribute to the...
  • Excavation
    ...Excavation (part I), installed in All Saints Church, is a film sequence, projected on to the floor, showing an archaeologist’s hand gouging...
  • London 2013 – and 2014 – reveal the view from Christina Niederberger’s studio on the 8th floor of ASC Studios’ Erlang House looking north over London’s newly emerging skyline. The images were constructed a pixel a second from top left to the bottom
  • Brighter Later -
    ... as part of Tracing Venus, the University of Oxford’s Public Art Programme for the Radcliffe Observatory Quarter. Inspired by the...
  • Data Arcade -
    Data Arcade contains three games: Stock Invaders, Pipe Mania and Oil Kong. They are derived from famous existing games. Nideffer adds political and economic issues.
  • Spew -
    It´s a Simulation game that continues data from the real world.