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  • ... loop, color, stereo. For projection at the ceiling. The title refers to Kandinsky's book... antipodes illusionism and constructivist art. In this video, the illusionistic ceiling...
  • ...Moon, Future near USArtist: Karen AlekyanComment:
  • ...ace to Face, self-portrait: Robotics, cyborgizationArtist: Karen AlekyanComment:
  • ...Untitled, glitch Art Artist: Karen AlekyanComment:
  • ...Programmed Art Artist: Karen AlekyanComment:
  • ...Digital decentralisationArtist: Karen AlekyanComment:
  • ...“The Ten Commandments was renowned for the massive set constructed in California's Guadalupe-Nipomo... section of the dunes that was a mystical art colony in the 1930s.” Joanne McNeil , Wired...
  • Camerin Obscura -
    ... From a cultural point of view the project is an attempt to explore the Do It... visualization - that integrates a basic artificial vision system and a sound server...
  • Two Cycles -
    ...Two Cycles is a system for performances in the urban environment composed in principle by two bicycles...
  • Facing Data -
    ... data or information. In general, the visualizations using faces work with drawings,...