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  • ... thing; and to provide the locations of those instances in a common data format that easily allows for further examination. We...
  • 24hour Social -
    ... the self and simultaneously as systems of data- collection and commodification. This project focuses on Vine, Twitter’s recently...
  • EVE
    ... to the local concepts of the Israeli / Jewish society, and its complexity. The program creates a unique moment out of a heterogenous...
  • Strange Days -
    ... In her video work Eve, which presents a portrait of a woman composed of tens of thousands of flickering pixels, she wrote a code...
  • ... work is a direct conceptual continuation of my other piece, Becoming, and is an attempt to create an infinity map that must be...
  • me & u -
    ... to theories of proxemics and intersubjective non-verbal communication, are used to reference how observer and observed...
  • Geode - video
    Taking the shape of a glowing, organic crystal, Geode is a 12-feet-tall video mapped sculpture that fuses soundscape, public art and visual projection into one immersive experience. Each surface of the crystal flows and ebbs with improvisational
  • ... By immersing the viewer in a full body experience of shifting compositions bred by human motion, this piece projects many diverse,...
  • Bodygraphe -
    ...ygraphe is an interactive, visual music application that unifies gestural computing with live performance art. Dancers become instruments and...
  • An exploration of the beauty within the fragile Polar environments. Inspired by first-hand accounts from Ernest Shackleton’s 1914 expedition to the Antarctic, Dominic Harris’ Endurance: The Polar Studies transports the viewer to extreme regions of