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  • AL GRANO: Framing Worlds deploys a staging of fact and ction where various registers of images, texts and objects, coexist. These digitally produced 2D and 3D pieces have as common element the manipulation of languages, histories and codes (the
  • ... an explosive capsule that on the one hand has the capacity to divide communities...
  • make-A-move -
    "make-A-move," is an interactive installation involving two encased flat screens, digital animation, and physical computing. Two automated portraits - a female and a male subject photographed by the artist - react to the movements of passersby.
  • "make-A-move" is a site-specific, responsive, screen-based installation involving two encased flat screens, digital animation, software design, and physical interaction. Two automated portraits - a female and a male subject photographed by the
  • ... interact with the work via smartphone in a supermarket breakfast cereal aisle, using...
  • ... with the piece using a smartphone and an app (aurasma). This is Augmented Reality...
  • Al GRANO: Corn Regime -
    ... Duke University Press (2011). -Pat Mooney, Executive Director, ETC Group (Action Group...
  • ... de la Imagen 2014. Badani was commissioned artwork for a new media solo exhibition, and...
  • ... individualized way. The work was commissioned and funded by Espacio Fundación Telefónica. A...
  • [ in time time ] -
    ... visitor’s proximity to the portrait this one will open her eyes transforming the...