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  • ... & Andrea... demand. At... with a... & Andrea... that... with a... in the context... with a... & Andrea... & Andrea... in the context... “keywords”... Where are you... in the context... art,...
  • [ in time time ] -
    ... and digital... be manipulated... with the... and digital... that images... with the... at the Tarble... with the... and digital... and digital... at the Tarble... are bound... at the Tarble... of Art,...
  • me & u -
    ... and... &... with... and... that reacts... with... to the... with... and... and... to the... are used to... to the...
  • Home Transfer -
    ... and new... Humanities... with... and new... that refers... with... SFER looks at the... with... and new... and new... SFER looks at the... share thoughts... SFER looks at the... of Art,...
  • 24hour Social -
    ... and... Man with a... with a... and... that... with a... of the self... with a... and... and... of the self... are... of the self...
  • EVE
    ... and... human-machine... with her own... and... that does not... with her own... Eve is about the process... with her own... and... and... Eve is about the process... Eve is about the process...
  • ... and engage... the... within the... and engage... that can... within the... the role of... within the... and engage... and engage... the role of... are... the role of... of art,...
  • Bodygraphe -
    ... and... art.... with live... and... that unifies... with live... their... with live... and... and... their... their...
  • ... and touch.... humankind’s... within the... and touch.... what struck... within the... xploration of the beauty... within the... and touch.... and touch.... xploration of the beauty... xploration of the beauty...