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  • Wissensgewächs interactive facade with 16 screens reacting to passerby’s positions, distance and movements © 2007, Laurent Mignonneau & Christa Sommerer This interactive façade was designed by Mignonneau and Sommerer for the City of Science in
  • Scavengers - video
    Scavengers ©2020, Laurent Mignonneau & Christa Sommerer developed for the TransArt Festival at Centro Trevi in Bolzano and supported by MEET Milano Beetles form a group with more than 350.000 known species. They come in many variations and forms and
  • From Last to FirstArtist: Nina SobellComment:
  • Unseen brings to light from darkness, the metaphorical images of the invisible, pervasive viruses penetrating our world. By rendering these transformations perceptible a sequence of configurations emerges: First sweeping the earth, unfolding up
  • Mutations - video
    MutationsArtist: Nina SobellComment:
  • “Kryophone“ is a sonorous and luminous interactive sculpture made of ice. This interactive sculpture is composed with ice and reacts to the electrostatic touch of bodies. Sounds and light evolve according to the intensity of electrostatic contact.
  • ... produced but it emerged over time as he became more skilled with the software while...
  • Electronic Visual Music Work TRT: 1:53 Anonymous Real-time : Igor Amokian LIVE @ LA CITA June 7, 2016 LA CA. Directed and Animated by Victor Acevedo Music by Igor Amokian (Chris Holland) video © 2017 Victor Acevedo music © 2016 Chris Holland Victor:
  • SP001
  • Symbiotic Art ManifestoArtist: Leonel MouraComment: