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  • Portrait on the Fly - Digital Prints Portrait Series © 2015, Laurent MIGNONNEAU & Christa Sommerer A single photography of a real fly is used as printed dots to represent the portrait of media artists, writers and curators we encountered physically
  • Shanghai Express is an interactive installation we developed for the City of Counter Light exhibition at the Shanghai Power Station of Art in November 2013. It allows users to create and interact with digital cityscapes that appear on an interactive
  • Time_lapse - video
    Time_lapseArtist: (collective) Sommerer / MignonneauComment:
  • Wissensgewächs interactive facade with 16 screens reacting to passerby’s positions, distance and movements © 2007, Laurent Mignonneau & Christa Sommerer This interactive façade was designed by Mignonneau and Sommerer for the City of Science in
  • From Last to FirstArtist: Nina SobellComment:
  • Unseen brings to light from darkness, the metaphorical images of the invisible, pervasive viruses penetrating our world. By rendering these transformations perceptible a sequence of configurations emerges: First sweeping the earth, unfolding up
  • Mutations - video
    MutationsArtist: Nina SobellComment:
  • “Kryophone“ is a sonorous and luminous interactive sculpture made of ice. This interactive sculpture is composed with ice and reacts to the electrostatic touch of bodies. Sounds and light evolve according to the intensity of electrostatic contact.
  • GARDEN CONCEPT In the context of the Regional STARTS Centers in Greece, the non-profit platform for social innovation projects MADE GROUP, with the support of the Athens Tech College and the Cultural Association of Archilochus of Paros, sets the
  • Archival Digital Print, Sizes: 8”x10” and 13”x19” Epson Pigment inks on cotton rag substrate or Light Jet digital photo prints. (plus custom sizes or NFT by special order) Date created: 1987 Ectoplasmic Kitchen v1 from 1987 was Acevedo’s first