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  • ... melancholic understanding that not everything can be saved. Torn...
  • Portrait on the Fly – Plotter Drawings Plotter Drawings made with a Pen Plotter Printer ©2015, Laurent Mignonneau and Christa Sommerer represented by: DAM Galerie Berlin, Galerie Charlot Paris Galerie Anita Beckers Portrait on the Fly also exists
  • Portrait on the Fly - Digital Prints Portrait Series © 2015, Laurent MIGNONNEAU & Christa Sommerer A single photography of a real fly is used as printed dots to represent the portrait of media artists, writers and curators we encountered physically
  • ... with digital cityscapes that appear on an interactive train...
  • Time_lapse - video
    Time_lapseArtist: (collective) Sommerer / MignonneauComment:
  • ... and always different garden that reflects their involvement with the...
  • Scavengers - video
    Scavengers ©2020, Laurent Mignonneau & Christa Sommerer developed for the TransArt Festival at Centro Trevi in Bolzano and supported by MEET Milano Beetles form a group with more than 350.000 known species. They come in many variations and forms and
  • From Last to FirstArtist: Nina SobellComment:
  • Unseen brings to light from darkness, the metaphorical images of the invisible, pervasive viruses penetrating our world. By rendering these transformations perceptible a sequence of configurations emerges: First sweeping the earth, unfolding up
  • Mutations - video
    MutationsArtist: Nina SobellComment: