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  • ... video effects vary and include dynamics of water, smoke, shockwaves or...
  • Between 0/1 - video
    ... of the cube, the screen shows dynamically changing viewing angles...
  • ... in NYC in 1999. For the Data Dynamics show at The Whitney Museum of...
  • ... Museum's BitStreams and Data Dynamics show, which ran from March 22...
  • ... of research into vortex sheet dynamics, and still represents the...
  • Terrarium -
    ... controlled by linking heat and dynamics, because the artificial...
  • Beijing Accelerator -
    ... realization of how quickly the dynamics of a city could transform into...
  • ... to create the artwork’s dynamically developing visual...
  • Ecloud WWI
    ... digital archive can be dynamically recombined for extended...
  • ... distributed among bodies – dynamically shifting back and forth, like...