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  • Digital Mudra -
    ... express with words and a gesture "how they were... compared with the meanings of their...
  • Mutatis mutandis -
    ... that means changing what have to be changed” (or... video images and sounds. It addresses... well as English that means changing what have to...
  • Her Long Black Hair -
    ... Central Park South and transforms an everyday... technology--a means of recording that...
  • Machines & Souls -
    ... a name I recalled what Einstein described as... cradle of true art and true science". Albert... notions of what it means to exist. Vibrating...
  • Trucold -
    ... and the gaps between what is real and what is... streets of London and - during a heavy fog - in... open, receptive to meaning and yet there is...
  • Paradise -
    ... from sacred books as does Chagall, but her... but her intention and means are not the same.... her intention and means are not the same. She...
  • The Berlin Files -
    ... starts examining to what extent he allows himself... empty apartment. He doesn't know he's... go back to the book and flip to another section,... levels of reality by means of acoustic...
  • Windscreen -
    ... This is related to what happens in a video... all, interactivity does have a long history of... wilfuly discarded, and replaced with a single... a long history of means- beyond computing,...
  • ... Boissier and Daniel Pinkas and... Geneva. Masaki interviewed 7 professional...
  • ... bubbles. Nowhere does the system possess any... technologies and tries to trace their... is the final meaningless terminus for...