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  • Message from A. -
    ... (2=ABD, 3=DEF,…). I received different types of beeps and started to analyse them with experimental and intelligence service...
  • Inland Wonderland -
    ... the helmet by lowering it. A human figure begins to move and starts to run in disorder, triggering other characters who are also...
  • MicroCosm -
    ... space, has always attracted scientists and dreamers. Gigantic stars, the milky way, galaxies thousands of light years away surround...
  • We are Stardust -
    I received an invitation to work with the NASA Spitzer Space Center at CalTech in 2008 to realize an installation project for the exhibition OBSERVE held at the Art Center of College of Design in Pasadena. Following discussions and presentations by
  • ... it, we might not encounter new perspectives or discover new stars. At Jodrell Bank Observatory, scientists regard interference as...
  • Virtual Book -
    ... the back, the top, the bottom, the left, or the right, and we start flipping through it. And then we often find it again. Does...
  • ... the MARS research group was unique in Germany. The MARS Lab started in 1997 with three long-term projects on interfaces and...
  • Land of Cloud -
    ... but the Cloud People are oblivious to their surroundings. They stare into their devices, motionless, spellbound by whispers from The...
  • Lotus Meditation -
    ... Tide," in Kennin-ji, the oldest Zen temple in Kyoto. When you start the app, you will be surrounded by small lotus flowers. If you...
  • LAB 1: ART+COM -
    ... Media Lab in West-Berlin (1987–1992) How did it all start? In the mid-1980s, few people thought that everyone would have a...