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  • Mediated Encounters -
    Mediated Encounters is an interactive robotic installation of four fish tanks designed to allow Siamese Fighting fish (Betta Splendons) to determine the movement of two grapevine sculptures. This piece allows normally aggressive fish to interact
  • GeoStickies(Unrealized) is a mobile artwork which creates an experience of accessing to information matrix overlapped onto urban space. The information is browsed through WAP/SMS service . Geostickies initiates the mobile phone carriers to be able
  • Boids
    In 1986 Craig W. Reynolds made a computer model of coordinated animal motion such as bird flocks and fish schools. It was based on three dimensional computational geometry of the sort normally used in computer animation or computer aided design. The
  • The idea of a marriage between Sun and Moon appears repeatedly in the myth and old philosophy of various nations all over the world. It symbolizes the state where human becomes high level being by achieving the integration of consciousness and
  • sens:less -
    sense:less is a place for humans to experience a stranger alternate reality. Through VR technology and a custom made body suit sense:less puts the user in a multi-sensory environment. This is a dramatic space, influenced by theatre, and the
  • Solve et Coagula is primarily an attempt to give birth to a new life form: half digital, half organic. Through a multisensorial, full duplex sensory interface the installation networks the human with an emotional, sensing and artificially
  • This immersive audio environment explores how humans react to commands imposed by a machine generating its acoustic stimuli on the basis of tracked body movement. In this environment, different states of human and machine action are understood as a
  • Variations 504 is an interactive music installation that engages viewers by allowing them to control the music they hear by interacting with the sculpture. It consists of an array of balls, tubes and cubes. By moving the balls, participants can mix
  • PainStation -
    PainStation comprises a box structure housing a horizontal screen over which the two players face each other. The software is based on Pong, an early computer game. Players use their right hands to control a bat on screen, and must keep their left
  • Pikapika -
    Meet Pikapika--a character influenced by anime and manga; Japanese pop animation and comics. Pikapika embodies movements from bunraku (puppet theater), a movement vocabulary Tomie Hahn studied while learning nihon buyo (Japanese traditional dance)