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  • ... is an ‘art-game’ devised by the Rotterdam media-artist, Marnix de Nijs and further developed in...
  • Figment
    ... rendered clouds and mountains, with their mediated counterparts, contemplate contemporary...
  • ... identified. (Source:
  • Phoxel Space -
    ... simulation. (Source:
  • DECONversation -
    ... public intellectual in the area of new media and technology, and Professor Steve Mann,...
  • ... Jazz trumpeter. (
  • Dolltalk -
    ... and speech. (Source:
  • ... Kraemer, CMC Gallery, School of Creative Media City University, Hong Kong Seeking the...
  • ... Badani was commissioned artwork for a new media solo exhibition, and during this interview...
  • AirportSim -
    ... workforce. (Source: