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  • “I'm sorry I made you feel that way” is an interactive experience and performative self-portrait exploring new possibilities for empathy and care for our hybrid selves. Martina Menegon’s biometric data collected daily via a wearable smart ring
  • untouched
    “untouched” is a series of self-portraits created through 3D scanning and presented as unaltered online virtual and Augmented Reality sculptures. Motionless yet constantly interacting and performing in-between realities, the virtual fragmented
  • it feels like home -
    “It feels like home” is an online intervention that uses the synthetic space of the browser as a stage to unfold an interactive, performative and generative virtual experience. Experimenting with the notion of time during a pandemic and isolation,
  • Virtual Book -
    Virtual Book : Augmentation of a real book boosted by semantic text analysis. The Virtual Book (2006) The concept of the book as an interactive knowledge structure was inspired by Marvin Minsky's vision from the early 1990s. He said, "Can you
  • Media Art Learning -
    Medienkunst Lernen: Neue Medien im Unterricht Medienkunst Lernen stellt zahlreiche Unterrichtsmodelle ausführlich dar und zeigt auf, wie neue Medien insbesondere in den musisch-kreativen Fächern in verschiedenen Jahrgangsstufen eingesetzt werden
  • MARS—the Media Arts Research Studies at GMD (1995–2001) and at Fraunhofer (2001–2012) The MARS - Exploratory Media Lab, initiated and directed by Monika Fleischmann and Wolfgang Strauss since 1997, designed and developed research prototypes,