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  • ...Rodent on Tree TrunkArtist: Lillian F. SchwartzComment:
  • ...Desin OVER sunArtist: Lillian F. SchwartzComment:
  • ...Anatomy Series #2Artist: Lillian F. SchwartzComment:
  • ...A visual/sonic installation that immerses the viewer in quantum phenomenon. Quantum Consciousness is an... paradox of the quantum superposition (best articulated in the Schrodinger’s Cat – thought...
  • Moya Land -
    ...Moya LandArtist: Patrick MoyaComment:
  • ... in cyan, magenta and yellow (CMY). But these colors what we see are not there, they do...
  • ...A hybrid form of landscape cinema capturing the year of an unnamed hollow way that forms the stream bed... The film was first exhibited at Plymouth Arts Centre from 10 to 19 January 2017.
  • ..."The Real, the Virtual and the We, (re-activating Lygia Clark's The I and the You:... the You: Clothing/Body/Clothing, 1967"Artist: Gabriela Aceves SepúlvedaComment:
  • ... to eliminate unwanted thoughts and make them personal hieroglyphics. 210 graphemes that...
  • ...Machinery on the memory line of the configuration file... The 3 levels of images:... gemischt. Das Ergebnis sind artifizielle, sichtbare Landschaften in Form von...