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  • ... removed and transfigured to create the artwork’s dynamically developing visual...
  • ... the four corners of the room are tall quarter-circular structures with steps that enable...
  • ... presented at the Kyoto Saga University of Art, this structure invites viewers to lie on the...
  • ... corresponds to their point of view. Headphones attached to the HMD enable viewers to hear...
  • ... of being present in a distant space where artists are engaged in their daily creative...
  • ... viewer can rotate, and then select a particular sphere to enter into. The navigation...
  • ... heritage. Speaking into a microphone mounted on the interface, the visitor can... PLACE-Turkey (YER-Türkiye) takes participants on an embodied journey through a virtual landscape of...
  • ... grotto temples, which constitute an art treasury abounding with murals, statues and...
  • Ecloud WWI
    ... brings up its description and related articles, artifacts and objects. This story group...
  • Fall Again, Fall Better is an installation constituted by two elements: a projection screen or a large LCD monitor, displaying computer-generated content in anaglyphic red/green 3-D, and the user interface, which is a handle from an urban subway