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  • Ecloud WWI
    ... up its description and related articles, artifacts and objects. This...
  • ... to Dunhuang’s Buddhist art treasury of mural paintings and...
  • Fall Again, Fall Better is an installation constituted by two elements: a projection screen or a large LCD monitor, displaying computer-generated content in anaglyphic red/green 3-D, and the user interface, which is a handle from an urban subway
  • The handscroll Pacifying the South China Sea chronicles the suppression of piracy by the forces of the Jiaqing Emperor (r. 1796–1820). The scroll illustrates the events of the period in twenty different scenes, each abundant with detail depicting
  • ... of the scroll slowly rotates; parts of the painting are obscured from...
  • ... long calligraphic work of art as a gift to City University of...
  • ... Architecture and Contemporary Art. At the centre of the Shanghai...
  • ... to highlight the potential of art to act as a harmonising force in...
  • The Infinite Line proposes new modes of spectatorship in the performance of poetry. In the tradition of Oulipo, the ‘workshop of potential literature', this interactive installation gives visitors the opportunity to recombine the poetic ensemble of
  • Marchive
    ... a museum. It is a situated, participatory and collective framework...