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  • Kinetic light installation bended plexiglas, light projection and reflection, electronic light modulator variable dimensions Four projectors illuminate a bent piece of plexiglass positioned horizontally on the floor that reflects a multi-layered
  • The kaleidoscopic rhythmic structure of a recurring pattern is not a computer-generated picture, but a video recording taken on a digital camera and a kaleidoscopic instrument. The infinite recurrence of one and the same element in micro- and
  • ... the fundamental concept of creation.' (from the catalogue ART’FAB: L’art-La femme-L’Europe....
    ... new way. While the new, highly sophisticated film and video production is based mainly on...
  • ... secondary form, to the uniting, communicational and inexplicable human relationships on...
    multimedia interactive sound-light installation The Incubator is an interactive audio-visual installation that represents a self-sustained, circularly arranged dynamic system that translates tactile signals into audio and visual events. A viewer
  • ... viewer’s perception process. In communicating with the art work, the viewer is an active...
  • Faces
    FacesArtist: Lillian F. SchwartzComment:
    ... Ursula’s object does not belong in this category, it is not a cybernetic artefact. This...
  • Object Oriented StonesArtist: Chiara PassaComment: