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  • video 5,06' The round-shaped form in the process of constant transformation is based on the idea of simulating life at the molecular level. The structure, which periodically resembles a virus structure, complex proteins or carbon fullerenes, is
  • video 4,24′ The video Inverse space works on two levels of microscopic observation: the first line of recordings shows the transformation of a non-living (inorganic) substance from one physical state to another – namely, the process of
  • Diptych: laser-cut and digital print on plexiglass dim: 200 x 135 cm The hanging objects present microscopic image of a carbon substance (up) and its digital mapping (transcription) into a reciprocal space (down) by the use of digital fast Fourier
  • Installation: 4 reliefs (CNC technology) and 4 photographs (digital print on acrylic support) dim: reliefs (each): 80 x 80 cm; photographs: 60 x 60 cm The crystal structures are microscopically analyzed using computer programs, which allow the
  • Sound-kinetic diorama exterior: acrylic object in crystalloid like form; interior: relief , turntable, light, sound dim: 115 x 72 x 70 cm The kinetic diorama submerged within and enhanced by the audio environment observed through an opening in the
  • Sound-kinetic diorama exterior: acrylic object in crystalloid like form; interior: relief (3D print), turntable, light, sounddim: 110 x 60 x 60 cm A miniature silver landscape in motion that can be viewed through the observation perforation in the
  • video 13,16′ The recording of dynamic forms of magnetic fluids that are produced by invisible magnetic fields direct the experience of the material in relation to the immaterial. The ferrofluid structures, which are in reality only a few centimeters
  • ... value – the main highlights are now the...
    ... spans across a highly estheticized...
  • Video projection, print on plexiglass dim: 100 x 138 cm (x 2) The kaleidoscopic video is based on radiological recordings of the author’s brain. The recording of neural connections (nerve tracts) shown by tractography (diffusion MRI) is