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  • SelfieSaoPaulo -
    A site-specific project for a media facade in Sao Paulo, Brazil, for the 2014 SP_Urban Festival. Together with Moritz Stefaner and Jay Chow. The project develops further the ideas from Selfiecity published early in 2014. For SelfieSaoPaulo,
  • ...Real time comparative visualization of Instagram images as they are uploaded from Taipei and New York created with custom software. Taipei...
  • ... We saw this in the collected images, and we wanted to communicate it in the project. In this project we analyze the content...
  • High resolution visualizations created with custom software using 2.3 million Instagram photos from 13 global cities. Source: Lev Manovich
  • High resolution visualizations of 1 million manga pages created with custom software. Source: Lev Manovich
  • TimeLine
    High resolution visualization of all 4535 covers of Time magazine (1923-2009) created with custom software. Source: Lev Manovich
  • Computer-driven media installation, custom movie generating software, database of video clips, variable configurations. Source: Lev Manovich
  • Computer-driven media installation with variable narratives and spatial configurations. Source: Lev Manovich
  • ...Freud-Lissitzky Navigator is a computer game prototype; a software narrative; a tool to navigate through 20th century cultural history; an...
  • Little Movies -
    "Little Movies" is a lyrical and theoretical project about the aesthetics of digital cinema, and a eulogy to its earliest form--QuickTime. The project began in 1994 when the World Wide Web was just beginning to gain mass exposure. Manovich's