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  • ... nationals, residing in America and abroad, are used by an autonomous agent to search through the web for personal and classified...
  • Metroscopes -
    ... captured and sent to the queue to be displayed. Through this automated technology the display will function like a cultural...
  • SKOR | Foundation for Art and Public Domain Two neon signs are superimposed one upon the other. One in green says "Resistance is Fertile", while another one in red says "Resis tance is Futile". When one sign is lit, the other statement is quiescent.
  • Fetch-a-Sketch is a larger than life replica of an etch-a-sketch which functions as a familiar yet unique interface to the Internet -- allowing visitors in the physical space to create drawings and upload them to the Fetch-a-sketch website while
  • FACT Centre -
    External lighting scheme During the early stages of the building design a concept for the external skin of the building was defined. As the building specification required predominantly ‘black-box’ spaces (cinemas/galleries), very few options were
  • Faces in the Sky -
    Look to the clouds trying to image faces is a carefree game that everyone does. In Faces in the Sky the artificial intelligence of a computer try to do the same action through an algorithm made for search human faces inside photos. I submitted to
  • Tryalogue
    ...Three white balls in the field of snow. The balls are robots capable of autonomous and coordinated movements. They are exchanging information...
  • Rigid Waves - video
    ... of identifying reflection with the disintegrative creation of autonomous self-images-images of the self that are not stocked by the...
  • Skulls
    Robert Lazzarini composed a sculptural installation of four skulls hung about eye-level and protruding about a foot from the walls of a small, well-lit, clean and bright room. To create this deceptively low-tech installation, Lazzarini
  • ... Medienästhetik? Ein Gespräch über algorithmische Ästhetik, automatisches Denken und die postkybernetische Logik der Komputation, (What...