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  • Missing matter -
    Architectures réactives de la communication Le virtuel c’est le réel avant qu’il ne passe à l’acte. Un non-espace non-matière. Il prend forme en s’actualisant. L’architecture du virtuel c’est à la fois l’architecture de l’information et
  • Telescanfax - video
    The procedure consists of reading the current images from television with a hand scanner and then directly sent these images transformed by a fax/modem card (or hard copy). In this way the image movement is decomposed and we have a
  • Cityscapes
    Overview Cityscapes (2008) provides a common ground where people can share their experiences of the places where they live and have lived, or visited, even of places they've imagined, read about, hope or have hoped to visit. Cityscapes is not only
  • Perfume Organ -
    The monumental perfume organ represents a meaningful analogy between musical and olfactory compositions. Its purpose is to demonstrate how, point by point, the scent becomes a kind of oflactif weapon which, with its made to measure smells,
  • TGarden is a responsive media environment in which small groups of participants from the general public influenced and played with real-time-generated sound and image through improvised movement and gesture. Visitors to the environment —which
  • Autoinducer_Ph-1 -
    Autoinducer_Ph-1 (cross cultural chemistry) exploits a traditional rice cultivation technique from SE Asia where Azolla is grown in large quantities and used as an organic, nitrogen rich fertilizer in the rice paddies. In the installation this
  • Global Direct -
    "Global Direct introduces the idea of direct participation in worldwide governance within the tradition of utopian artistic visions. The artwork is presented as a visionary political program that structures global direct democracy through the
  • "This project unfolded around an anti-NATO militarism web portal that was founded in August 2001 and ran until late 2006. The website gained international popularity over the years through covering news about NATO's expansion into Eastern Europe,
  • "This artwork explores the use of algorithm design applied to social structures. These diagrams propose the idea of planning societal organization like building algorithmic software, which can be fixed and optimized to improve performance and
  • "This artwork unveiled over 200000 Caymans Islands companies and combined with an aggressive business strategy, it reversed global finance machination for creative subversive agendas. The website promoted the sale of real identities