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  • Timetable
    In Timetable, an image is projected from above onto a large circular table. Twelve dials are positioned around the perimeter of the table. The functions each of these dials changes and mutates, depending on what is projected onto them at any given
  • Lightpools
    Lightpools or El Ball del Fanalet is a multi-user experience that uses Virtual Reality (VR) technology. It takes place in a circular arena approximately six meters in diameter, onto which a real-time computer generated image is projected from above.
  • Systems Maintenance consists of three versions of a furnished room. An ensemble of life-sized furniture occupies a large circular platform on the floor, a virtual room is displayed on a computer monitor, and a 1/8 size physical scale model of the
  • ... balls to the users for maximum cathartic effect. ...
  • Workaholic
    A pendulum hangs from the ceiling, with an omnidirectional bar code scanner as the bob (the weight) at the end of the cable. The scanner casts an intense red laser beam downward as it skims the floor, reading symbols printed on a 12 foot diameter
  • ZOMBIAC consists of a large number of computer terminals and workstations, ranging in vintage from the 1970s to the present. Each computer has been "zombified": all the original electronics have been removed, transforming them into mindless
  • In the search for new forms of urbanity the influence of media technologies on the perception of and on the engagement with social constructed spaces becomes evident. Under the conditions of telecommunication, digital networks, distributed
  • This project consists of a gallery installation, a Web interface (called Public Domain Scanner) and a free downloadable news ticker. Through the Web interface: the Public Domain Scanner, visitors can select "Minds of Concern" groups, movements, or
  • Knowbotic Research investigates in the context of the "war of terror" legal frameworks which inscribe and determine in mostly invisible layers our public fields of action. KR directs the attention away from the dominant layer of represen-tation
  • Animal Accessories -
    " Animal Accessories" * performance concerns 2 artists. Pepi Kelaidi sews with a surgical suture Yiannis Melanitis' cheek, extending the thread through the back of a little bird which has been attached on a plexiglass mask. The procedure