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  • ... processed in a manner closely related to the video synthesis art of the seventies. The luminescent waterfall is an entirely...
  • Gallery of Motions -
    ... untie themselves. The gallery will contain rooms where the participant can control snowstorms and be vacuumed by strange attractors.
  • Fugitive -
    ...Fugitive is an interactive artwork which (via a machine vision system) interprets gross bodily movement as an indicator of "mood". The user...
  • Sympathetic Sentience -
    Sympathetic Sentience Is an interactive sound installation which generates complex patterns of rhythmic sound through the phenomenon of 'emergent complexity'. The original goal was to attempt to realise a project which manifested true
  • Dimensionalization Studies began as an informal collaboration between computer vision researchers and those of us building the stereoscopic camera rig for the See Banff Kinetoscope project, at Interval Research in 1993. The computer vision
  • ...Time-accelerated PaintingArtist: Jaron LanierComment:
  • TRIAD HyperDance -
    ...TRIAD HyperDance is an interactive art work on the net, containing a dance work as hypervideo and an interactive choreography. The work can be...
  • This CAVE-based interactive and immersive installation explores the potential of the world-wide web as interactive and immersice data and information medium. Today information on the Internet is presented in a standard fashion, as defined by the
  • The Telegarden -
    ... and community in virtual space. The Telegarden is a metaphor for the care and feeding of the delicate social ecology of... The TeleGarden is an art installation that allows web users to view and interact with a remote garden filled with living plants. Members can...
  • Ouija -
    ... a single user controls a single robot, with "Ouija 2000" participants logging on to the Web site are given instructions for using...