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  • der zeresser -
    ... and corners, given that the decision of each entity holds the possibility of breaking the geometric rules of the overall shape and...
  • Shrink -
    ... of the performance the person inside moves slowly and changes positions, which vary from an almost embryonic position to one...
  • ... cameras and custom motion tracking software. Fish state, position, orientation, velocity, is estimated and conveyed in real...
  • ... Maurice Benayoun launches a call for proposal to conceive postcards demonstrating the commercial potential of cultural heritage,...
  • ... artistes d’accomplir vos idées a retourné les vecteurs et posent plusieurs questions cruciales pour l’art contemporain. Le point le...
  • ... brandi comme argument ultime, quasi mystique, pour justifier la position de ceux qui pensent que leur égoïsme assumé est une forme de...
  • ...Museum of Post-Contemporary Art (MuPCA) in The Dump Paris est une ville qui semble croire à un déterminisme calendaire qui affecterait...
  • ...On the "convergence" of technology in industry and the possibility of "divergence" of technology in new media art
  • ... films projected non-stop. The software gives infinite possibilities of a graphic interpretation of what is supposed to be an...
  • ... the shapes are displayed in black and white according to the positive or negative (up/down, left/right...) direction of his input....