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  • pinwheels -
    ... fields of pinwheels and explores what arrangements create interfaces that are intuitive and informative for the user while being...
  • ... of those spectators who are standing inside). The interactive interface in this work is a video camera. By rotating this camera and...
  • ... underwater video camera. This device is the interactive user interface, its buttons and handling allow the viewer to control his...
  • ... intangible heritage. Speaking into a microphone mounted on the interface, the visitor can also release prescribed texts, which were...
  • ... immersive virtual environment and gives users a touchable interface that allows them to explore and interact with this...
  • ... a narrative intuitive percourse. Designed for a multi-user interface platform that combines motion capture and virtual reality....
  • PointScreen - video
    ...PONTSCREEN : MINORITY REPORT STYLE INTERFACE 2003 PointScreen is an interface for touchless control of a screen. Inspired by the Theremin, the...
  • Protrude, Flow -
    ... accordance with the law governing instability in a ferrofluid interface. Distance between the two coils can be adjusted using a jack...
  • ... proxdist computation provides support for tangible user interfaces which fluidly integrate diverse, distributed passive and...
  • PSyBench -
    ...PSyBench is a general platform for creating distributed Tangible Interfaces for collaborative design. Objects on an augmented tabletop are...