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  • ... desert scene with cacti and rocks and a jungle scenario. The artist traveled to two locations in Mexico, where he selected an...
  • This film shows a monochrome landscape beneath a strip of sky. At first barely perceptible, a subtle movement is noted throughout the peaked contours of the waves—an organic contraction and expansion of a mountain-like skin. It is with the congealed
  • ...An old wooden boat is suspended from a metal frame like a swing, moving forward and backward in an unnaturally slow and almost imperceptible...
  • Clockwork -
    Twelve concrete mixers are arranged in a circle in the center of a large rectangular space. They form an “erosion machine” designed to accelerate the decay of Vienna. The mixing drums are filled with architectural debris taken from various buildings
  • ...In separate installations of the History Apparatus, the artist planted in each location a stump from a tree that had lived over a hundred years:...
  • ... of (moving- and still-)images with scientific methods and artistic vision. The CCS is a sometimes weigthy and sometimes...
  • ... Fluid-dynamic research, meteorology). As central metaphor as well as the main focus of the filmed procedures serves the... The Wanderkino deals with the Art and Science under the absence of weight. As a mix of film, performance and lecture it shows flying machines...
  • ... of calculating and steering a meteor safely down to Earth. On October 7th 2008 the first meteor ever to be predicted...
  • Das FORSCHUNGSFLOSS - Institut für Kunst und Subjektive Wissenschaft wirft Anker im Flughafentower Tempelhof und präsentiert aktuelle Ergebnisse aus dem "Fall-Labor". Das Augenmerk dieser hoch über dem Flugfeld angesiedelten Abteilung liegt auf der
  • ...Public Meteorit Watching Event Date: Nov. 16th 2010, starting at 6:30pm expected impact time: 20:33pm Location: meadows behind Kauwstraat 10,...