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  • ... of an eariler model used by WIPAC for education and outreach. That version had one light per...
  • Homunculus Agora -
    ... part of a file-to-factory digital fabrication process that involved generative modelling,...
  • Acryl and marker on paperSeries (12), dim: 66 x 90 cm (each) Drawings in colour that trace microscopic motifs of bodily particles shift conceptually away from the real motif towards the abstract one using form and colour on two levels: colour (the
    Acryl, pastel on papervariable dimensions. Graphical images on paper combine structures that look like microscopic imagery and the morphology of bodily particles. The bodily tissue is mediated in a variety of observation ratios: from stylised
  • video 7.03 The video creates an entry into fictional reality, where objects are transformed into fleeting luminary apparitions – softened, multiplied, liquified forms levitating through warped or non-gravitational space.
  • ... and control elements that form an intricate three-dimensional spatial experience. The...
  • video 6,’42 Images of material objects (sculptures by Alen Ožbolt) are digitally processed and projected into virtual, fluid spatiality, appearing as dematerialised floating, kinetic light forms, freed of the constraints of time, mass and gravity.
  • video 6,'08 Album: Algida Bellezza, Netherworld (Glacial Movements) The video for the track Orcinus Orca followed the release of the album Algida Bellezza (Alessandro Tedeschi aka Netherworld, Glacial Movements, 2019). The music captured artist’s
  • Vacuum formed polyester Series (4); dim: 80 x 80 cm (each) Four wall reliefs are based on the same microscopic image of carbon substance, which is being transformed by the use of special computer programs used in microscopy. The proceeding of image
  • An Interactive Art Installation / Immersive Cinema Experience An Uncommon Affair At Tooting Bec Common is an immersive cinematic work presented in the context of an interactive installation environment. The structure of the work is inspired by the