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  • They were shot, like photo shoots, inside the virtual space of the Tunnel under the Atlantic, each of them is unique, bearing the date and time of the shooting. Amazingly, since 1995, the quality of colors and printing seems to be totally preserved.
  • ...When the Web link colors and locations (here Hong Kong), the surprise doesn’t come from the rainbow...
  • Virtual tunnels are made to go beyond obstacles, to allow people appart to meet in spite of any form of obstacles. Frontiers and borders are artificial obstacles. Images from the Web reflect on what the zones of tension resulting from borders
  • ...When communications create and utilize a woven web of connections and when people feel they belong to...
  • With Brain Factory Prototype, Maurice Benayoun and Tobias Klein have produced a very specific installation — a mechanism designed to transform abstract things into concrete objects with the participation of the spectator. An installation/tool, it
  • Astrilab scenic apparatus is constituted by 3 different elements, all playing with each other. The functions of presenting Astri activities, representing Astri dynamism, and offering a playful way to experience innovation in action, are performed by
  • NOMINATION EXHIBITION with the contribution of 15 NOMINATORS, nominating 102 YOUNG CHINESE MEDIA ARTISTS that became part of ON THE ROAD Archive. 32 MEDIA ART INSTALLATIONS Guan Shanyue exhibition. Guan Shanyue Museum Shenzhen Co-organised by the
  • ... Hong Kong, around a common topic: “Communication obstacles”. Statement: When communications...
  • ... the obstacles in mediated communication. During the first decades of digital...
  • At the same time an innovative art installation, a world premiere, and a prototype for brain design technology. Brain Cloud is part of the Brain Factory series of works helping the visitors, recently converted into “brain-workers”, to give shape to