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  • Rectilinear Displacement positions the viewer in an extended mechanical linear motion - of up to 40 metres - through an exhibition space. At the same time, the user is visually immersed in a virtual space that is projected on a spherical screen. The
  • ... languages. These can range from artist to rock or porn star through to...
  • The first version of the Physiognomic Scrutinizer was developed and presented under the title "Match & Smile" for the Touch Me Festival 2008 (Feel Better) in Zagreb. The design is based on principles employed in security gates seen at airports,
  • Exploded Views -
    ... an installation in which the artist’s personal interest in urban and...
  • ...Waliczky | Homes Photography and New Media Art The exhibition through the means of...
  • ...Exercise in Immersion 4 is an ‘art-game’ devised by the Rotterdam media-artist,...
  • Mirror_Piece -
    Mirror_Piece is a mirror version of Marnix de Nijs’ previous work Physiognomic Scrutinizer. Equipped with biometric video analyzing software, the installation scans facial features and characteristics of anyone looking into its mirror, and compares
    ... counterfactual thinking, media artist Elke Reinhuber explores how to...
  • OHP # -
    OHP III is a light installation that investigates the poetic potential of an obsolete technological medium, the overhead projector. The additional film rolls of the projector, usually manually operated, are moved and controlled through motors and
  • Beijing Accelerator -
    ... to the original model; the participant takes position in a...