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  • Silhouettes *Iconique* (LICHTPHON / IKONEN 1) Video-Music-Sound-Art-Vision SCHAHRAM POURSOUDMAND Music- & Sound Artist I Composer I Visual Imagist I Poet Format: 16:9/HD Audio: Stereo Length: 9:59 Min. Year: 2019 LICHTPHON is the sound- and
  • Schmutziges Licht ( LICHTPHON ART-AVANT X ) Sound/Video Work Schahram Poursoudmand (Music & Sound Artist, Composer, Visual Imagist, Poet) & Yoann Trellu (Video & Visual Artist) An abstract, poetic visual-sound-drama The visual, tonal union and view
  • Time: color - video
    ... of blue, green and red throughout the day: at midday yellow predominates, while at four...
  • Transdance LaboratoryArtist: Scott DelahuntaComment:
  • Palo Alto -
    Palo Alto is Banz & Bowinkel’s second work dealing with the representation of a hypothetical virtual reality. Driven by the notion that the virtual world is not the sphere of simulated reality but rather its counterpart, the computer acts as an
  • Mercury - video
    In the VR Experience Mercury (2016), artist duo Banz & Bowinkel relocate the viewer on an archipelago connected by footbridges. Elements of nature, culture or technology intertwine into a surreal terrain in which known physical laws are overridden.
  • In Giulia Bowinkel & Friedemann Banz series of ”body paintings”, the body becomes the shaping pulse. Recordings of body movements in space are coupled with fluid simulations. The generated forms follow the movement of people, translating physical
  • ‚Daemons‘ refers to Vilém Flusser´s ‚Technobildern‘, a philosophy of photography as a new form of communication. Mixing live performance and digital animation, Banz & Bowinkel seek to define the perceptual parameters which depend on the union of the
  • ... meet a variety of bots in our day-to-day life. They chart our activities and...
  • Primitive
    ... forming landscapes and still lifes, today, those very shapes are basic repertory within...