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  • ... color levels in every pixel of every frame in real time. The artist filmed 200 random lines of dialogue between a man and a woman...
  • ...Celestial Mechanics is an artwork intended to be viewed in a planetarium dome. Instead of stars and planets, the ‘night sky’ program reveals...
  • ... downtown. Each of nine neighborhoods tells a different part of the story of how a confused exchange of 3 duffle bags on a...
  • ...Three artists drove Los Angeles' famous Mulholland Drive with five types of sensors--measuring the tilt, direction, altitude, speed and engine...
  • ... symbols of fertility and the cycle of birth and death. As the artist developed the work into an installation form, the visual and...
  • Starbright World -
    ... via a network to play with each other as avatars, build a part of the world themselves, discuss their concerns via text chat,...
  • A performance for cello, grand piano, soprano saxophone, surveillance cameras, live video mixing and projection. Two instruments accompany a silent movie. Hey, it's a living. But slowly they realize that not only are they reacting to the image.
  • ...To create this 5-channel video sculpture the artist searched for abstract forms and movements of the human body that trigger powerful...
  • Multi-media found object and audio installation. The handsome young god Amor comes only at night under the cover of darkness to lie with his mortal wife, Psyche. To protect her from the wrath of his jealous mother Venus he has Psyche and her family
  • Pictures
    ... computer animation which he called PICTURES. Based on a set of digitally manipulated snapshots from a family photo album, the work is...