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  • In this poem we look straight down at the top surface of a cube. An invisible light source orbits the cube, casting verbal shadows that can be seen gyrating clockwise, much in the manner of a sundial. As new shadows are cast, the letters permutate
  • Storms
    An interactive hypertext piece based on the sefirotic tree of the Kabbalah. "Storms" is organized in vocalic and consonantal bifurcations. To navigate through the poem one is invited to click on a letter at any given time. In some instances,
  • Wine
    A delicate and silent animation. It suggests an inebriate mental state in which foreground and background blend in almost undifferentiated fashion. The poem articulates the fleeting apparitions of the words from within themselves, as if one word
  • Letter
    A navigational poem that presents the viewer with the image of a three-dimensional spiral jetting off the center of a two-dimensional spiral. Both spirals are made exclusively of text. The reader is able to grab and spin this cosmic verbal image in
  • Faxpoem
    Fax transmited from Chicago to: - "City Portraits: The Suburbs", fax exchange with group Art Reseaux, École Municipale D'Arts Plastiques, Rosny Sous Bois, France, 1990 - "The Globe Show", fax exchange with British artists, Oldham Art Gallery,
  • Perhaps -
    This is the first poem written specifically for Internet 2. The poem is a world with 24 avatars, each a different word. Each reader, in order to read the poem, must establish his or her own presence in this textworld through a verbal avatar. As
  • ZOONE -
    Media environment Shown at Amerlinghaus Vienna (A) in the context of the "Computerkulturtage" When the elephant falls from the tree, the ants die. Zoone- zone, zoo Computer images quickly animate a composition scheme with rhythm changes- Screen 1
  • This work is based on the concept of the refraction of a triangular prism, playing with the transformation of light and shadow in combination with musical creativity. The result is shared on a cloud database, collecting each part of sharing and
  • Which one is true? -
    Reality has become more precious with the advent of artificial intelligence. We are now living in the era of post-truth and is bombarded by fake news and manipulated by social media. With the advent and popularization of artificial intelligence used
  • The biopoem "Erratum I" is what Kac calls a "biotope", that is, a living work that changes in response to internal metabolism and environmental conditions, including temperature, relative humidity, airflow, and light levels in the exhibition space.