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  • ... interpolated. Four computer-generated objects were added in this simulated environment -...
  • ... and points out and elucidates areas or objects of special interest via its touch screen...
  • Apparitions -
    ... "virtual" by interacting with physical objects, exploring ideas on the World Wide Web,...
  • Tesla Electric -
    ... experimented with interjecting animated objects into the scenes. Live actors played in...
  • Wings -
    ... virtual-worlds, computer generated objects and video images directly before the eyes...
  • ... of living organisms. Many of these objects relate in some way to the video sequences... particular materialisation. It questions definitions: what is life? Is there anything...
  • ... technology are integrated into a common objective. Cordoba, past, present and future....
  • Gallery of Motions -
    ... comprised of exhibits including kinetic objects based on the Philippine wine dance and...
  • Up to 625 -
    ... gives way to concrete and particular objects, whose location simultaneously becomes...
  • ... of Eastern European places and events, objects, books, family documents, Socialist...