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  • Scientific information from technicians and from the communities are gathered in a database, with geographical information. Participatory Design and Ethnographic Protocols for Visualization specific technologies (emergent systems, model-based
  • House -
    “House” by Stanza, is a dynamic public sculpture viewable over the internet. House is not a mute memorial to a related past but a live embodiment of change and renewal. House describes the space, a real Victorian terraced house, in this case, that
  • Art Impact, Collective Retinal Memory includes several parallel subject matters. The exposition La Beauté en Avignon ('Beauty in Avignon') constitutes the work’s material. The public online or in the Pompidou Centre can actually see some
  • In an echoless room a computer and various measuring devices are used to amplify the sound of a body"s internal organs. In the silence, the visitor first hears the sounds inside his or her body, and then the amplified versions from audio speakers. A
  • La performance est la présentation d'un projet de recherche technologique proposée en 2013 (soit 10 ans plus tard) Présentée sur une estrade, projection sur tulle en avant scène des illustrations animées qui semblent flotter dans l’espace. Speaker
  • Notes for Sleepers Guts Seaman/Forsythe Exchange over the pacific (weave of the airline trajectory) 26 / 09 / 95 (part 2) just sitting here in sydney - 9 / 10 / 95 (part 3) Part 3 a attraction / architecture / association / algorithm / arresting /
  • T-wo.gen
    The text from The World Generator / The Engine of Desire was printed out and put into a physical installation. The spoken text was presented in the space. The Illusive Nature of Context: The Negotiation of the Thoughtbody Bill Seaman The World
  • In this installation at the International Art & Science Exhibition a large, back projected high-resolution monitor was mounted on a motorised turntable. An infra-red joystick controlled the 360-degree rotation of this screen and the synchronous
  • SensingSpeakingSpace -
    "Sensing Speaking Space", is an interactive installation that focuses on the notion of the "intelligent space", a space that knows you are there and reacts to the presence and movements of multiple spectators sensed through a custom camera tracking
  • The World Generator / The Engine of Desire (1996-present) marks an expansion of Seaman's work into the realm of virtual environments. Seaman collaborating with the programmer Gideon May authored a complex virtual world generator that enables