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  • ... immerse themselves into the room to become part of the work. The large, completely darkened exhibition space itself becomes...
  • Kinetic Flow -
    ...George Legrady's work consists of a series of vibrantly colored, 14' x 22' 6" porcelain enameled steel panels on the angled concrete wall above...
  • POPUREVE - video
    ... the guillotine, is Stenger's second digital movie and fantasy work about French History, after GALLIA (1987-88) The movie was done...
  • ...This work created a collage of fictional events within a museum space by making projected images of the events appear contiguous with the real...
  • Source of Energy -
    ... to any biological kingdom, the bacteria present in it work with the body of the fungus in tandem only at the initial stage....
  • Windscreen -
    ... This experimental approach became an installation work that I am calling windscreen. Here, much technology was wilfuly...
  • Coexistence -
    ... between physical reality and virtual reality. This work includes innovative approaches to interaction, interface design...
  • ...A time-based work on decay and energy presented in 6 museum vitrines arranged in a triangle, containing 3 alchemical flasks of acid, alakaline...
  • ... smoke and the amplified sounds of the wind and thunder.This work was one of a series of 'Artificial Landscapes' projects.
  • ... David Lynch and Sarah Kane. Find more information about this work under the following link:...