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  • Silicon Babe -
    Digital Print Installation
  • ... a videocassette recorder that taped everyone who looked inside the tree. The surveillance...
  • Bodies INCorporated -
    ... institutions as the only socially sanctioned site for display of art, and the ways in which...
  • Virtual Concrete -
    Virtual Concrete consists of six 3-ft slabs of concrete covered with large electrostatic (digital output) prints, along with light sensors and a computer connected to the Internet via a CU-SeeMe camera. The website concrete allows
  • ... the data hidden in the topology as one is timed and mining path traced. The tracing...
  • n0time -
    Computer technology promised to save us time and provide a renewed sense of community. Instead we are collectively suffering from information overflow and lack of time, and we have to reconsider the established notions of "community". When thinking
  • "Poverty Island with video Skies" is the beginning of an exploration of the integration of video images into a virtual environment. This integration will allow me to combine a long-standing interest in the evocative similarities of the forms and
  • Gallery of Motions -
    A sculpture garden and gallery where even the plants and buildings move, with tours conducted by an animated guide. The garden is comprised of exhibits including kinetic objects based on the Philippine wine dance and three-dimensional harmonic
  • Fugitive -
    ... the physical presence of the user to one (or a small number) of points. Rather than...
  • Sympathetic Sentience -
    ... electronic units alone is capable of only one chirp each minute. Rhythmic and melodic...