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    Plexiglass, resin or light reflection, light projection, reflective foil variable dimensions 'Uršula Berlot’s work develops out of the evanescence of perception, predominantly delving into the realm of optics. Reflections and shadows produce
    ... is on experimentig with magnetism and as far as the complex levels of her works of art are concerned, it is the temporal dimension...
    ... organic shadowy image is discrete and not linked. There is no lever between the two, only empty space without any awareness. It is...
  • ... 2, Trnava, Slovak Republic The show was curated by Viera Levitt Interflow Architectures Architektúry splynutí The architecture...
  • ... generator. Once this goal was achieved, we authored higher level functionalities that related to the proximity of one object to...
  • ... environment? If selection is considered to occur on the gene level, then the central mind, the informational context that drives...
  • BIOMA -
    ... data from the environment. The work is activated with a noise level higher than the one configured to start making a visual sweep...
  • Nebulae
    ... similarities and hidden geometries that repeat on every level of existence both material and spiritual. – Uršula Berlot, 2020
  • ... library preparation: John Supko Exhibition Curator: Viera Levitt Special thanks to: The Department of Art, Art History & Visual...
  • ... is built of motion there is always motion on the molecular level. Thus all being is a perpetual motion machine This motion is...