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  • ... wide and 30-meter long calligraphic work of art as a gift to City University of Hong Kong The painting hangs down the nine floors...
  • ...Y straight forward? A city-tour guide of a different sort The human eye is an omnivore and so constantly feeding the corresponding brain cells...
  • ... and spoken in the video. They were distributed throughout the city. I also included my Interflow Architectures text. A beautiful... of light kvality svetla the minds eye vnútorn_ zrak the memory of a people _ivé spomienky na _udí a migration of energies...
  • ... to Hades, where they find that they have totally lost their memory. Then they start their journey to rediscover who they are and...
  • ... reveal the story. By exploring a park, a neighborhood, or even a city or country, GPSFilm continually ‘reads’ the location of the...
  • ... point of origin, embedded in morphic fields, retains their memory and formula. Hidden within the recesses of space-time, they...
  • ... post-production effects. The environments propose the multiplicity and non-linearity of the experience between fixed and moving... electronic images and sounds. In his bodily displacements and memory games, an associative plot places him in a climate between the...
  • ... explored in Televirtual Chit Chat (1993) and Anamorphoses of Memory (1986). At the centre of a room there is a large...
  • ... the wood and the body of the viewer by revealing a sound memory in physical contact with the matter. The electrostatic energy...
  • ... shift to create a column or a character. In the Renaissance city he appears first as an "info-point" column. As the visitors...