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  • Swimmer
    The swimmer is performing movements which can be seen as completely natural, yet they contain a vital contradiction, a double meaning: swimming as a way of surviving. At the same time as the swimmer is having a pleasurable experience of the element
    A Stenger Classic in minimal style and with intense VR atmosphere. Released in 2018 Experience one excerpt from "Chambers VR" with your Oculus helmet and left "Touch" interface, by downloading the zip file from my website. Link on left.
    VR movie in progress with video version published in 2015 Currently being transfered into Unity and Oculus. Experience one excerpt from "The Wish VR" with your Oculus helmet and left "Touch" interface, by downloading the zip file from my website.
  • "In the white darkness“ is an interactive internet-art-piece about memory. The work was created by Reiner Strasser in collaboration with M.D. Coverley (Marjorie Coverley Luesebrink) over a period of 9 months in 2003/04. It assimilates and reflects
  • E[Y]GG[E] - video
    E[Y]GG[E] is an interactive Net Art / E-Poetry piece created in Flash in the year 2000. It is a meditation about time and space on the Net and elsewhere. Exhibited i.e.: AJAC 2000 Art Show, Metropolitan Art Museum Tokyo, Japan, 2000; Faculty
  • The exhibition proposes to “listen” trees of Babyn Yar, feel the metaphor of Tree as a Capsule of Time, which conveys knowledge from the Past (the ground) to the alive limbs of the Future. The Babyn Yar trees were growing all this time as silent
  • Pine Family -
    Tree Story brings together creative practices from around the world to create a ‘forest’ of ideas relating to critical environmental and sustainability issues. At its foundation—or roots—are Indigenous ways of knowing and a recognition of trees as
  • video, 4.22' The video Hyperoptics examines the technologically extended forms of visual perception that are enabled through the application of advanced optical research tools used in microscopy. The first part of the video presents a series of
  • Scarlet(t) -
    This work uses a feature tracking algorithm to extract Scarlett Johanssen’s iconic lips from the costume drama “Girl with a Pearl Earring”. Extracting this one signifier, Scarlett’s mouth, wrenches the true subject of the movie – her lips, and their
  • Carl Theodor Dreyer's 1928 'La Passion de Jeanne d'Arc' is arguably one of the finest films in the history of film, and Renée Jeanne Falconetti, primarily known as a stage performer in light opera, provides it with one of cinema's most harrowing