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  • GARDEN CONCEPT In the context of the Regional STARTS Centers in Greece, the non-profit platform for social innovation projects MADE GROUP, with the support of the Athens Tech College and the Cultural Association of Archilochus of Paros, sets the
  • Rara Avis -
    The work “Rara Avis” (1996) of Eduardo Kac consists of a large cage, in which thirty real birds (zebra finches) and a telerobot, which looks like a rare bird, take place. In the macaw’s eyes are installed two cameras with Charge-Coupled Devices
  • in cooperation with Peter Szely (Sound) --- The inside skin of a space station is enveloped in large size projections. The space station is not comprised of inflexible, rigid material - it is not hardware but wetware - it is a breathing, living
  • Razzmatazz
    Transmitted to Museo Internacional de Electrografia, Cuenca, Spain, 1993, and exhibited in Muestra Internacional de Fax Art, Facultad de Bellas Artes, Cuenca, Spain, 1993.
  • RC Robot
    In 1986 Kac worked with radio-controlled telerobotics in the context of the exhibition "Brasil High Tech", realized at the Centro Empresarial Rio, in Rio de Janeiro. Kac used a 7-feet tall anthropomorphic robot (left) as a host who conversed with
  • Re-Lighting -
    About 300 km above the Earth (the orbital altitude of the International Space Station), the planet's surface occupies an important place. During the day you can see the continents, at night - the lights of the cities. From further distance, the
  • Re-reading the News -
    Re-reading the News (2002) downloads the front page of newspapers as essentially raw data, enabling users to reformat it to their own specifications. The raw data appears in one browser window, reformatting occurs in a second. "Re-reading" sees the
  • The Re: Dakar Arts Festival project documents an ongoing art scam form. The scammers approach artists and galerists with open calls for a fake festival in Dakar, Senegal. To appear professional, they adopt different identities. To unveil their
  • Reabracadabra, 1985 - Videotext animated poem shown in 1985 in the group exhibition Arte On-Line, a national videotext art gallery presented by Companhia Telefônica de São Paulo. In 2003 Reabracadabra was adapted for cel phones.
  • New Chinese Snails A Real Snail Mail™ live enclosure is on show in the exhibition Stadt am Rande at the Today Art Museum, Beijing. The new Chinese recruits Wang, Ming Mei, Cheung, Tao, Manchu, Sheng Li, Shu Fang, MIng Yue, Fei Yen & Genji are