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  • RGB -
    ...A self made computer program mixes three colors very slowly per random: Red, Green, Blue. Thats the reason why the color compositon is never...
  • Poetry Machine -
    ... from the database.The artificial voices are synthesized by computer software. The human body influence and interacted with the...
  • Dust -
    ... set, clean the surface and start from the beginning. The composition, and the quantity of the dust depends from the movement...
  • ... multiple layers of sound and vision. Perspectives that do not completely match, invite to explore the installation. The observer...
  • Skulls
    ...Robert Lazzarini composed a sculptural installation of four skulls hung about eye-level and protruding about a foot from the walls of a small,...
  • ... steps and can, for instance, be implemented to execute a computer programme. Algorithms are the preferred control modules of...
  • ... potentials. Here, the net does not serve as a social realm of communication but rather as a trap in which pray gets caught, as the...
    ... discernible. The wall – long and reminicant of exhibition rooms common in 19th century – is pulled in like a prop. In the installation,...
  • ... it is analyses of economic trends and flows of finance and commodities which are shaping our environment. To what extent do they...
  • Fluctuating between the worlds of early Baroque and late Ming/early Qing eras, the project explores a rather brief yet multi-faceted period of enlightened dialogue between Europe and China. Although characterised by a respectful scientific exchange,