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  • CURATORIAL STATEMENT:Many of the prominent international practitioners in the field of software art could not participate in the first version of CODeDOC since the Whitney Museum is, by its mission, devoted to American artists (citizens and artists
  • ... due to their busy schedules. The category of software art, commonly used for...
  • All kinds of people are using their smartphones. The displays don’t show any apps – only the sensual movements of the hands. Each pair of hands plays both roles from Michelangelo’s “Creation of Adam” at the Sistine Chapel: God the father and Adam,
  • Under the Surface -
    Under the SurfaceArtist: Eleanor Gates-StuartComment:
  • ... DJ spinning (as it were) some esoteric but catchy tunes for the Monthly “open decks” VJ...
  • Figment
    Figment offers an experience of the digital sublime, which overlaps with our perception of the digital, landscape, our relationship with each, and the fundamental questions that follow, peering into the nature of our existence. In Figment, rendered
  • Pro
    Pro is a video installation that reveals the simulated virtual environments within the structure of 2 curved while walls. Relating to the vertical framing motif of Chinese traditional landscape painting, Pro invites the viewer into a familiar but
  • How to view and operate the analytical grid and its several elementsENTER PROJECT HERE:The links will redirect you to the original artworks on the Whitney Museum's Artport (for CODeDOC) or the (for CODeDOC II). Please check
  • To make a hole, three dimensions are necessary. In the two-dimensions of the iconic thought experiment Flatland, organisms that sustain their existence through a digestive system characterized by two holes, would find themselves split in two along
  • number 418 My response: attempting to achieve perfection through imperfection. inspired by David RufoArtist: Sally SheinmanComment: